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Stardex merges PI brands

Stardex is bringing its professional indemnity (PI) underwriting agencies together under one banner.

The merger of Macquarie into the Dexta brand will remove confusion for Stardex's customers, says CEO Bob Lee.

"Dexta and Macquarie were both operating in the professional indemnity market targeting similar businesses, sometimes via the same brokers, and that made for confusion internally and for our customers," he said. "There are clear advantages to combining the operations of each entity."

The merged entity will be able to take advantage of Axis' entry into the Australian marketplace. Axis has been underwriting Macquarie and Dexta business as a direct offshore foreign insurer (DOFI), but has applied for a direct licence in advance of the DOFI legislation due to be enacted on July 1.

Dexta MD Tony Wheatley told Axis is well on course to meet the deadline.

"The direct licence should be in place well before the deadline," he said.

He says the combined agency will benefit from Axis' direct licence.

"Bringing the Dexta and Macquarie teams under one banner provides the best platform for Dexta to take advantage of the opportunities that Axis obtaining a licence will present," Mr Wheatley said.

"For nearly three years we have not only been competing in a soft market but also dealing with some negative sentiment around the DOFI status of Axis. This will no longer be an issue for us going forward."