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Revenue growth for Marsh’s local operations

Mega-broker Marsh’s Asia-Pacific operations recorded revenue of $US125 million ($126 million) for the three months ending September 30.

This was up 15% on the corresponding period last year, when revenue of $US109 million ($110 million) was reported.

Global revenue during the September quarter were $US1.08 billion ($1.09 billion), a 9% increase on the corresponding period last year when the result was $US989 million ($1 billion).

The global operations reported an operating income of $US165 million ($167 million) for the September quarter this year compared to $US158 million ($160 million) during the 2009 third quarter.

Marsh & McLennan Companies CEO Brian Duperreault says Marsh “produced strong new business globally, with revenue growth across all geographic regions”.

“Looking ahead, our plan is to produce long-term growth in revenue and earnings, maintain low capital requirements, generate high levels of cash and reduce the company’s risk profile.”