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RAA promotes finance chief to Insurance CEO

SA motorists mutual club RAA has announced Tom Griffiths will be RAA Insurance CEO with effect from tomorrow, taking over from David Russell, who will begin his transition to retirement in a supporting role as GM of Services.

Mr Griffiths is currently RAA Membership and Brand and Group CFO. He joined the business in March 2008 as GM sales and marketing.

“[He] brings a wealth of experience to the role, including 12 years of putting members first as RAA’s Membership and Brand and Group CFO,” the SA insurer said in a short statement. “[He] has a strong commitment to the SA community, in which RAA plays a leading role.”

Mr Russell will provide support to executive management as GM of Services until next year before retiring.

The insurance business, which is wholly owned by the 745,000-member RAA, has recorded a five-fold increase in gross written premium since he took on the role in 2008.