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QBE embarks on customer service revamp

“Shifting expectations” have prompted QBE to overhaul its approach to customer service.

It has entered the first stage of a program to revamp the way it collects, analyses and responds to customer complaints and feedback.

The insurer says the program will ensure complaints are handled quickly and by the right people, and it will use the information to prioritise improvements and make better decisions.

QBE is also simplifying the language in policy documents and customer correspondence, and overhauling its claims systems.

The insurer’s Net Promoter Score – a measure of customer loyalty – has increased by 59 points over the past 18 months for direct customer claims experience.

Its relationship with brokers has also improved, up 24 points on the index.

A spokeswoman says the past few years have brought a huge shift in customer expectations, driven by rapidly changing technology, market disruptors and shifting regulation.

“There is still a great deal of work to do, but we’ve seen some significant success that tells us we’re heading in the right direction.”

QBE’s research shows customers want convenience, consistency and clarity, she says.