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ProRisk launches Public & Products liability cover

ProRisk has launched a Public & Products Liability Insurance Product policy on its broker portal, ProBind, and will host three webinars to explain the offer in detail.

The new policy is designed for Australian organisations with up to 500 employees and $15 million in turnover across a broad range of industries from “accountants to zoologists”.

“Our Public & Products Liability offering is particularly well suited to motor trades, where we have carved out a particular niche,” ProRisk Executive Director Hamish McDonald Nye said.

The offer also suits trades, vacant land, property owners, bed and breakfast, medical and allied health professional services, retail, cafes and restaurants.

ProRisk offers 21 products, six on ProBind, and is backed by Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, HDI Global, Assurant and Lloyd’s of London. It employs 33 staff in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and has annual gross written premium of over $64 million.

Register for the September, October or November webinars here.