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Promina’s new general insurance progeny – Vero

Promina’s intermediated general insurance businesses in Australia and NZ have changed their name from Royal & SunAlliance to Vero. The fresh brand will carry forward all the old company’s products under the new brand, which means – in layman’s terms, at least – very little. If you’re a Latin scholar you’ll know it means “assured and in truth”.

To the marketing people, Vero (it’s officially with a lower-case “v”, but Sunrise Exchange News believes in capitalising proper nouns for clarity) means a whole lot more. Vero CEO, Duncan West, says the fresh new name “reflects performance attributes such as integrity (people), confidence (customer) and expertise”. The logo is meant to represent shafts of light and the positive direction of the business.

Vero will continue to operate as Royal & SunAlliance General Insurance for the next 12 months until the name has been sufficiently accepted by intermediaries and their clients.

Mr West says Vero will retain the long-standing values of R&SA, while offering modern-day security and integrity to customers. “In an uncertain, fast changing environment Vero will stand out as the dynamic specialist provider of insurance and related services,” he said.

“Through its expertise and knowledge it will provide protection and support to its chosen markets.”