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Online retailer Pet Circle expands into insurance

Online retailer Pet Circle has launched insurance, offering cover for dogs and cats with policies underwritten by Pacific International. 
The company says Pet Circle Insurance eliminates confusing policy features “such as sneaky sub-limits on payouts on accidents or illness” and provides a more extensive and straightforward option. 
“Our Pet Circle Vet Squad that work in veterinary clinics told us that many pet insurance policies were not up to scratch, with sub-limits catching out pet parents,” company Co-Founder and CEO Mike Frizell said. 
“In fact, about 85% of Australian pet insurance products impose sub-limits that could restrict pets from receiving the best possible treatment.”  
Pet Circle Insurance says it offers one of the highest policy limits in Australia for dogs at $30,000 per year to cater for rising vet costs, and the policy has a single annual excess, whilst eliminating sub-limits. 
Policies can be personalised with different annual limits, excesses and reimbursements and optional extras include cover for dental, behavioural problems, and supportive therapies such as acupuncture, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy to help pets heal from an accident or illness. 
Underwriter Pacific International is owned by Badger International, founded in South Africa in the mid 1990s. 
An Animal Medicines Australia report says around $1.1 billion was spent on pet insurance last year, with about 70% of the cover attributable to dogs. Data was extrapolated from spend recall by pet owners.