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NZI rolls out truck driver tiredness monitor

IAG New Zealand subsidiary NZI is promoting a real-time tracking device that detects fatigue in truck drivers.

It has offered clients a free trial of the Guardian system, which uses a camera and sensors, plus advanced face and eye-tracking algorithms, to measure eyelid closure, blink rate and head position.

The device will trigger an in-cabin audio alarm and vibration motor in the driver’s seat when fatigue is detected.

“We know fatigue is the silent killer on our roads and we’re making a commitment to do something about it,” National Manager of Commercial Motor Ian Taylor said. “Accidents and fatalities caused through fatigue are preventable and we want to help.”

A Ministry of Transport report last year said fatigue-related crashes cost New Zealand $NZ268 million ($256 million) in 2014 and driver fatigue is a factor in 13% of fatal collisions.

NZI has 10 devices available, and the six-week trial offer is also available to Lumley clients.

The device was developed by Australian technology company Seeing Machines.

“We thank NZI for the opportunity to bring our state-of-the-art driver safety solution to new customers in New Zealand, and to be at the forefront of reducing truck accidents,” Seeing Machines COO Paul Angelatos said.

The company says clients have recorded up to 90% reduction in fatigue and distraction incidents.