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NRMA says smash repairer fight affects brand

IAG not only has a battle on its hands over the way its subsidiary NRMA Insurance is dealing with smash repairers. Now the President of the NRMA motoring and services organisation is complaining about IAG wrecking the NRMA brand.

NRMA President Alan Evans told the organisation’s annual general meeting in Sydney last week that he wants IAG to ease up. He and CEO Tony Stewart met IAG managers last week to discuss the issue.

IAG spokesman Andrew Tubb told Sunrise Exchange News NRMA Insurance and NRMA Motoring & Services are separate organisations, and IAG has perpetual rights to the NRMA Insurance brand.

But Mr Evans says he wants to see some “significant changes” to the relationship. “We want to make sure we are managing our funds in the best interests of [members] not IAG,” he said.

NRMA mailed more than 2 million members last month to clarify any confusion over IAG’s smash repair system.

“The signs were all there – we could have lost tens of thousands (of members),” Mr Evans said. “We have made it clear to [IAG] that we want this issue resolved and we have done much behind the scenes to try and help both sides find a way through the impasse.”

Mr Tubb says NRMA Insurance meets regularly with NRMA Motoring & Services “and is committed to a co-operative working relationship”.

“Our shared brand has demonstrated enormous resilience and remains one of the strongest iconic brands in the country,” he said. “IAG has invested, and will continue to invest, considerable resources in promoting the NRMA brand, to the benefit of both of our organisations.”