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New Zurich GI chief outlines vision

New GM of Zurich General Insurance Andrew Barrowman is planning to hit the ground running in several areas following his elevation from being head of regional operations.

Mr Barrowman told Sunrise Exchange News his initial priorities will include expanding Zurich's affinity business, finding quality staff, building the insurer's newly opened New Zealand operations and empowering Zurich's regional chiefs across the regions.

But he doesn't envisage any changes to Zurich's commitment to brokers. "We're still 100% intermediated, and that will continue to be our focus."

He is keen to build on the success of Zurich's recent Locksmiths Association affinity deal.

"Previously it probably hasn't been part of our risk appetite - we've been very line-focused. We've now brought in an expert in that area, and he and a couple of support people are looking to expand that business."

Mr Barrowman plans to use Zurich's global reach to recruit new talent, as well as participating in school career days.

"The biggest challenge is finding staff - retaining and keeping good staff."

And he's looking at decentralising Zurich's local operations.

"We've got good people who are running the regions. We want them to be accountable. Once they've got the adequate skills and capabilities, we very much want to decentralise the decision-making across the general insurance business."

Mr Barrowman, who has spent 20 of his 30 years in the industry at Zurich, reports directly to CEO David Smith.