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Merged bloodstock broker aims to be front-runner

Three companies have merged in a bid to create Australia’s leading bloodstock and livestock insurance broker.

Austbrokers ABS Bloodstock, E-Quine Insurance Services and Howard Insurance Australia will combine 150 years of specialist experience in the new entity, called HQ Insurance.

Austbrokers Sydney MD and HQ non-executive director Jeff Howells says retaining key people has been crucial.

E-Quine founder Wayne Aldridge has been appointed MD and Howard Insurance founder David Howard is a director.

“All three companies are highly successful in the bloodstock industry in their own right,” Mr Howells told “The combination of the businesses, together with their significant client portfolios, results in a market-leading presence.

“There will be a period of consolidation but then we intend to grow the business as much as we can.”

Mr Howard is based in London, which will benefit the business because most bloodstock insurance is written there.

The bloodstock industry is in a down-cycle but there are no plans to cut staff following the merger, Mr Howells says.

“As we grow we may increase numbers.”

Linda Mitchell will be the new company’s operations manager and bloodstock insurance veterans Tony Stein and Ray Willis will be authorised representatives.