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Marshall takes top spot at Pen

Gary Marshall is the new GM of Arthur J Gallagher-owned Pen Underwriting, replacing CEO Paul Lynam, whose position has been declared redundant.

Mr Marshall will answer to Asia-Pacific Chairman Peter Searson.

A new organisation chart for the most senior levels of Pen Underwriting’s operation in Australia, which was published on December 11 and has been seen by, does not include Chief Underwriting Officer Paul O’Leary.

Attempts to contact Mr O’Leary were unsuccessful. However, his LinkedIn page says he is “on gardening leave”.

Mr O’Leary moved to Gallagher from SRS – where he was head of underwriting – when Mr Lynam sold the company to the US-based group in November 2012.

Mr Marshall managed Australis Underwriting under Gallagher ownership from 2007 and was made national business development manager when Australis and SRS were brought under the Pen Underwriting brand in November last year.

Calls today to Mr Marshall and a Pen Underwriting spokesman were not returned.