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Look on the bright side, AMP tells investors

Australians struggling to see the wisdom of continuing to invest in plunging investment plans or superannuation funds have been urged by AMP’s Henderson Global Investors to stick with shares and stop being glum. Blaming “the threat of wars, falling US company profits and corporate scandals in the US” as major reasons for the lurching markets and returns, the company says in a newsletter to clients that “heightened anxiety often leads to irrational shareholder behaviour, which in turn creates opportunities for other investors”.

Many AMP shareholders may well be suffering from heightened anxiety right now, but the newsletter maintains its upbeat line by suggesting “recent glumness” may be excessive. “We expect business investment and employment to stay at satisfactory levels,” Henderson says. It warns that unforeseen interest rate rises may slow economic growth, but adds: “There are always risks that stir pessimism.”