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JLT sets up China desk in Australia

JLT has launched a “China Desk” to target Australian and Chinese companies.

CEO Leo Demer says the office, which is based in Brisbane, will lower insurance costs and provide risk management to Chinese and Australian companies.

“We have Chinese language professionals working side by side with their colleagues in each specialty,” he said.

“This is backed up by products specifically created to help Chinese companies reduce their risk exposure.”

The China Desk Regional Head is Peter Wang, who has worked for Chinese state-owned enterprises.

Australian companies wanting to invest in the Chinese market can also use the service.

Mr Demer says it’s a good time to establish the service with the prospect of a free trade agreement between Australia and China being signed.

“Derisking strategies are an important tool that will help lift the level of investment between the two countries,” he said.

Mr Demer says Chinese companies tend to be risk-averse, which makes investing in Australia challenging for them because of the differences in legal systems and regulatory regimes.

“In spite of this, there are very few risk management strategies tailor-made for Chinese companies,” he said.