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JLT launches self-insurance workers’ comp

Broker JLT and the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) will launch a workers’ compensation self-insurance scheme for local government employers on Wednesday.

MAV WorkCare has an initial 31 members and will manage claims and have full responsibility for meeting members’ claims liabilities.

The scheme will be managed by JLT, which runs similar projects in SA, WA and Queensland.

JLT CEO Leo Demer told the schemes lead to better outcomes.

“There is normally about a 30% reduction in premiums,” he said.

“It is so focused on one industry, and the cost is reduced significantly because we can focus on getting people back to work.

“Councils are good risks and they were contributing more than they should have.

“The results in the other Australian schemes have been outstanding.”

Mr Demer says JLT was appointed to run the Victorian scheme about two years ago, following a “rigorous tender process”.

MAV President Mary Lalios says WorkCare aims to achieve better outcomes through targeted education and training programs aimed at high-risk areas.

“This will lead to better outcomes for workers and their families, and the Victorian community, by helping to make workplaces safer and by ensuring injured workers receive the compensation and rehabilitation services they are entitled to,” she said.

She says benefits of the scheme include sustained improvements in workplace safety, lower costs to councils through reductions of avoidable injuries, effectively managed claims and optimal return-to-work initiatives and programs.