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Jackson stays as journos hunt IAG heads

Following the NSW Parliamentary StaySafe Committee’s publication of a highly critical report on IAG’s latest smash repairer system, the media has been having a good time speculating who in IAG is going to take the rap. In the past couple of days it has become more personal, with speculation that Personal Insurance CEO Rick Jackson is set to resign.

One news report yesterday suggested Mr Jackson’s departure would allow IAG CEO Michael Hawker to carry out a “management shuffle”.

Yesterday an IAG spokesman told Sunrise Exchange News Mr Jackson, who was not available for comment, is not considering resigning and has no plans to leave the insurer.

“Rick Jackson has no plans to leave IAG and it is all speculation,” she said.

Both ICA and NRMA Insurance have been very critical of the StaySafe Committee’s report, claiming that it was prepared without seeing the system first-hand.

The NRMA Insurance system uses online photographs and an assessor’s report that is accessed by repairers wanting to quote for the repair.

The StaySafe report, “Repairing to a Price, Not a Standard” specifically analysed IAG’s scheme and says it’s “unsafe in its current form and operation”.