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iSelect's insurance earnings slump in December half

Comparator iSelect has reported a 33.3% decline in the operating revenue of its general and life insurance business to $8.83 million for the six months to December 31.

Changes in the life industry including commission reforms affected the business, iSelect says in its first-half earnings report last week. The company does not provide a breakdown for general and life insurance earnings.

General insurance performed well but “a difficult market environment” in the life sector dragged down earnings, iSelect says.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation sank 88.8% to $360,00 from a year earlier.

Total operating revenue for the comparator, which also offers product comparisons in other areas such as home loans and energy, fell 16.7% in the December half to $61.9 million.

The business slumped to an underlying net loss of $1.91 million, compared to a $4.8 million profit a year earlier.