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Insurance Advisernet begins birthday rebrand

Insurance Advisernet has adopted its new corporate logo, creating a “fresh, new, modern look” to mark its 20th anniversary.

The rebrand was unveiled at the group’s conference in Hobart last November, and has now been officially launched in the anniversary year.

MD Shaun Standfield says the logo will be introduced progressively throughout the organisation and across platforms.

“It is a big task to change a brand, so our brand refresh has been scheduled to occur in stages over the next few months,” he told

“This includes refreshing our social media and intranet. This new image will be rolled out across our online presence and eventually right through to the electronic documents we issue to our clients and new office signage.”

Insurance Advisernet has 460 staff, 180 independent insurance advisers and $480 million in gross written premium. It is 50% owned by AUB Group.