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Institute board changes for year ahead

Two lawyers appointed to the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) board in March last year will step aside in next year’s line-up.

Elders Insurance GM Insurance Operations Jonathon Fox will take over as the institute Presidents’ Council representative from Minter Ellison law firm partner Pam Madafiglio.

NZI Executive GM Karl Armstrong will replace DLA Phillips Fox Wellington partner Peter Leman as the New Zealand representative.

The other directors are President Duncan West (CGU); Deputy President Tony Morgan (Cunningham Lindsey); Immediate Past President John Richardson (Marsh); Ian Brown (independent director); Paul Allison (Guy Carpenter); Detloff Rump (Gen Re); Heinrich Eder (Munich Re); Kerrie Challenor (Lumley); Jonathan Seth (Jardine Lloyd Thompson); and Joan Fitzpatrick (ANZIIF CEO).

Mr West says the directors’ combination of strong industry experience and knowledge puts the institute in a “very good position to continue to deliver award-winning services and enhance the recognition of professional standards within the industry”.