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IAG considers further offshoring

IAG has confirmed it may move more jobs offshore under a drive to increase efficiency.

The insurer, which already has call centres in New Zealand and South Africa, says it has been talking to staff for the past year about automating and outsourcing some processes.

“We’ve engaged specialist partners with local and global insurance experience to help with this, and they are based offshore,” a spokesman told

“We’re reviewing different areas across our business and brands to see which processes or activities could be best performed by these offshore partners.”

IAG accepts some Australian jobs may be affected, but says “it’s too early to say what any changes might look like”.

“We expect the majority of our customers will continue to deal with one of our Australia-based employees and there are no changes at this point to how our customers interact with us,” the spokesman said.

“We are committed to being transparent with all our people as we work though our options.

“Whenever we make changes to roles we always support our employees and we will continue to talk to our employees and share decisions as they are made.”