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Herbert Insurance preferred creditors likely to get nothing

Employees, the Inland Revenue and unsecured creditors are unlikely to receive any money from the failed New Zealand broker Herbert Insurance, the receivers say in their second report on the company.

Herbert went broke in March and its financial report to September 6, which was filed with the Companies Office this month, shows net cash flow of $NZ29,906 ($22,900).

Receiver Brendon Gibson says the company’s key asset was its customer base, which was sold to Aon shortly after the receivers were appointed.

“The value of the retained client base will be assessed 12 months after settlement, and as such the value of this client base is currently unknown,” he says.

The ASB bank is a secured creditor, being owed $NZ780,000 ($598,000).

There are two preferred creditors – employees owed $NZ78,000 ($60,000) and the Inland Revenue, owed $NZ314,000 ($240,000) – and the report says it is unlikely there will be funds to pay them.

Mr Gibson says unsecured creditors are owed an estimated $NZ28,000 ($21,000).

The Serious Fraud Office is investigating the collapse.