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Ex-Allianz duo to build ‘flexible, nimble’ agency

Underwriting agency 360 Underwriting Solutions, formerly Sura360, aims to be “flexible, nimble and highly versatile”, according to new owners Denis Morrissey and Chris Lynch.

The former Allianz duo acquired the business from AUB-owned Sura in July.

Mr Morrissey says the flexible approach “lets us partner with a range of industry specialists and capacity providers in a variety of insurance sectors, and do it very quickly”.

The new owners have focused on building the brand since taking over the business.

“360 Underwriting is committed to creating a set of values that anchor our business to its brokers and their clients,” Mr Lynch said. “From experience, we know these are things the market demands.

“The success of our business will flow directly from ‘thinking fast and acting faster’ – and that’s what we’re working hard to do.”