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Early storms give Stream a lift

An early start to the Australian storm season has given claims service provider Stream a lift.

A number of small events in Queensland generated weather-related claims, which is “a positive sign” for the year ahead, the company says in an operational update to the Australian Securities Exchange.

“Things started quite a bit earlier than usual,” Chairman Larry Case told

“We can’t control the weather, but we can make things more comfortable for those affected.”

Stream says claim volumes traditionally increase by 100-300% in November and December compared with prior months.

UK operations achieved profitability in September and new claims growth “remains strong”.

Stream New Zealand continues work on the Christchurch rebuild, and has also entered new agreements with insurers and brokers.

These deals will be crucial as revenue from Christchurch winds down.

“It’s certainly a positive development,” Mr Case told “We have performed well on Christchurch, which has attracted attention.”

Technology sales have been slower than expected, and a strategic review has been initiated.

After the review Stream will seek partnerships with financial technology businesses “to reduce direct expenditure in ongoing sales and marketing, while maintaining the opportunity to generate shareholder value”.