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D&O modelling service brings 'new insights' on potential class action risk

A new shareholder class action exposure modelling service launched last week by Aon will offer “new insights” to clients of potential risk, according to the broker.

Aon says the D&O Decoder was developed in response to clients’ needs for support to manage the challenging directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance market.

The service provides data and analytics on the probable level of securities litigation risk facing a company and the chances of the event occurring, the nature of their exposure and how it compares to their peers.

It has crunched 250,000 simulated class actions based on data sourced from Australian historical representative lawsuits and traces the impact on a company’s share price and resulting claims.

Outputs of the model can be used by organisations to help inform the decision-making process with respect to proposed limit reductions or dropping the limit completely.

Aon Global Risk Consulting MD Jennifer Richards says the service “brings new insights to organisations, illuminating aspects of exposure that may not otherwise be known”.

“The threat of D&O shareholder class action activity remains high in Australia, and for those companies potentially subjected to class actions, the rapid increase of insurers’ premium expectations coupled with capacity restrictions has resulted in increased scrutiny and reductions in the amount of insurance procured to protect organisations from their exposure to securities class actions,” Ms Richards said.

“This additional scrutiny in the D&O market over limit decisions has created a surge in demand for analytics beyond what is typically available.

“Sophisticated modelling is key to addressing and exposing the level of risk of a shareholder class action, and the resulting impact on availability of D&O insurance.”