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Codafication unveils claims processing tool

Brisbane-based technology start-up Codafication has launched a software solution designed to improve efficiencies in insurance claims processing.

It says Crunchwork is an end-to-end tool capable of reducing the claims lifecycle by up to two weeks per claim.

“Organisations can save at least two hours and up to two days on each job they complete when using Crunchwork,” Codafication co-founder and MD Daniel Sandaver said. “Depending on their volume of work, staff and resources, this equates to tens of thousands of hours and millions of dollars in savings per company per year.”

Chief Technology Officer James Pepplinkhouse says the new product will help insurance builders and forensic engineers who are juggling multiple systems, data points, jobs and people in the claims supply chain.

“The new cloud-based software allows insurance builders and forensic engineers to pull in disparate data into the one place and seamlessly integrate with business apps like Xero, Tomtom, Twillo and Salesforce, so they can fulfill claims quickly, efficiently and remain compliant for the big insurers they service,” he said.

Codafication is behind a number of products such as Virtual Assist that are already in use by the Australian insurance sector.