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Club Marine app helps keep boaties safe

A new app from Club Marine gives boat owners weather alerts and safety tips, and allows them to lodge instant claims.

The recreational boat insurer’s CEO Simon McLean says the free tool is a “first for the marine industry”, and is “fun, functional and easy to use”.

“Free access to severe weather alerts will help protect our members both on and off the water, while features such as Trip Planner and quick access to policy information make it easier for members,” he said.

Users can brush up on their knowledge of navigation marks, polish their skipper’s briefing or use a checklist to ensure their boat is safe for the start or end of the season.

The app also makes it easy to provide proof of insurance, lodge claims, renew, purchase or update policies.

Tide times and wind conditions are accessible, and the Help Me function enables members to contact Club Marine Assist – a 24/7 service that provides advice, directions and information about marine service centres, safe berths, refuelling spots and more.

Users can also store important records such as photos of boats and equipment, licences and permits.

The app is available to Club Marine members and non-members, with the former having access to additional features. It is on the Apple Store and Google Play.