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Cerno focuses on future following job cuts

Cerno has made 36 positions redundant this month, but says its transformation program is on track.

The loss adjuster, which is integrating with claims services group Stream, says most of the jobs were in administrative or corporate service roles.

It has been “a difficult time for everyone”, MD Tony Button said in a statement.

“I am confident we have now achieved the right model to take Cerno forward and that we now have the right balance of skills in the right roles,” he said.

“These changes to our workforce – and indeed the entire transformation program – are about ensuring we have a company that is 100% focused on serving our clients.”

Cerno’s new AcClaim IT platform has been installed, and the next focus is the creation of management centres known as Nexus hubs. These are intended to accelerate the settlement process through the centralisation of parts of claims.

Cerno says traditional loss adjusting models require the adjuster to control a claim from start to finish, which is inefficient because the adjuster performs administrative tasks that could be better handled elsewhere.

The AcClaim system allows collaboration on a claim from multiple locations “to achieve the best outcome… in the shortest possible time”.

The Nexus program will not lead to office closures and Cerno says it will continue to serve all regions it currently operates in. However, “in response to the need to increase efficiency”, some assessing staff will work from home offices.

“This progress occurred in the UK market more than 10 years ago and we expect that as other adjusting companies upgrade their legacy IT systems they will follow Cerno’s lead,” Mr Button told