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Cerno, Crawfords and NRMA Insurance swing axe

NRMA Insurance, Cerno and Crawford & Company have confirmed a total of more than 30 job cuts.

NRMA Insurance says 22 positions were axed last month under changes to its claims and assessing operating model for national home insurance.

“These changes enable our home assessors to better focus on the needs of our customers throughout the life cycle of their claims,” a spokesman told

NRMA Insurance says most affected employees were given alternative roles within the IAG business. 

Loss adjuster Cerno has confirmed about 10 further redundancies over the next two months, as part of its transformation process.

“These positions were previously identified during Cerno’s redundancy program earlier this year, and action was deferred due to the implementation of the Nexus efficiency management program,” a spokesman told

“Cerno’s transformation program is continuing to achieve the right profile for the company, and there is an ongoing operational requirement for different skill sets and the redistribution of duties as part of this.”

The company, which is discussing a possible merger with claims service provider Stream Group, says it continues to invest in critical roles.

It says four senior leaders recently joined the group and recruitment is taking place in other areas of the business.

However, Cerno’s national leader for major loss Nick Higson has left the loss adjuster after more than 10 years.

Mr Button will take interim responsibility for major loss and technical services while a replacement for Mr Higson – who is pursuing opportunities in Hong Kong – is found.

Meanwhile, Crawford & Company CEO Andrew Bart says “small adjustments” have been made to correct “too much capacity” in Tasmania.

But he says additional staff have been employed in other locations.