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Broker search engine prepares to go live

Insurtech Manner is confident its platform designed to help brokers search for underwriters will resonate with the industry when commercial operations begin next month.

The Sydney-based company says its Risk Appetite search engine is aimed at an underserved segment of the market. It is starting with professional indemnity and there are plans to introduce other general insurance lines.

Brokers, managing general agents (MGAs) and carriers have been testing the platform for the past six months.

“Manner represents a unique proposition,” co-founder Simon O’Dell told “We match the risks that brokers have with the best underwriters in the market.

“Very little has been developed from the ground up with the brokers and MGAs’ needs in mind. Given the degree to which a healthy insurance industry value chain depends on an effective retail component, we are happily deploying resources to focus on their needs.”

Manner generates revenue by charging brokers a monthly subscription fee.

“The way in which we match a broker to an underwriter based on the details of a particular exposure is proprietary to Manner,” Mr O’Dell said. “We are passionate about matchmaking, and are investing heavily in the constant improvement of our techniques.”

Manner’s mission is to “optimise the world’s insurance industries by making them connected and accessible”, according to its LinkedIn account.

“This can only be done by reimagining how the industry collaborates.”