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AUB enters equity partnership with MexBrit/Forte Group 

AUB Group has entered into a partnership with US-based MexBrit/Forte Group following the Tysers acquisition to better support risk placement from brokers in Latin America. 

“I am delighted to welcome MexBrit/Forte Group to the AUB family,” CEO Mike Emmett said. 

“This partnership will better enable us to serve clients and broking partners in the fast-growing Latin American and Caribbean markets while ensuring we do this in a responsible way with strong regional capability and experience.” 

AUB previously ended several joint venture arrangements Tysers had with individual in-country retail brokers in the region. The company has sought an alternative that better reflects its view on how to support risk placement from Latin American into insurance markets including Miami, London and Europe. 

The Miami headquartered MexBrit group includes both reinsurance intermediary and underwriting support for clients. The business, which has operated for more than four decades, established Forte as a separate entity in 2014.