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…and QBE/MM launches FSR product

QBE Mercantile Mutual has launched its “FSR-enriched” EFT/Installment home product to run on the Sunrise Exchange network.

Developed by QBEMM’s Future Business team, the new product will be trialled immediately in Victoria by selected brokers, with a national rollout following next year.

Deputy General Manager Michael Goodwin said the new product, launched at the NIBA Convention in Adelaide, once again demonstrates the company’s commitment to being the business partner of choice for professional insurance intermediaries.

“It’s about being the right business partner – about working in unison with them,” he said.

Mr Goodwin said the new product will help intermediaries to meet the requirements of the FSRA, as well as enabling customers to pay premiums by direct debit. He expects it to be welcomed by brokers and “bound to increase administration efficiencies”.