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Allianz widens car cover to include ride-sharing

Allianz has expanded the cover available under its private car insurance to include ride-sharing, as more state and territory governments move to formally recognise services such as Uber.

Customers will be covered by confirming they use their privately owned vehicle for ride-sharing, thus providing greater peace of mind, the company says.

“Developments in this area are creating a lot of potential for uncertainty and greyness in how claims might be treated,” Allianz spokesman Nicholas Scofield told

“We need to keep up with the times and make sure that if people have risks they want to transfer, the insurance industry is evolving its product offers to keep up with changing trends.”

The extended cover has no limit on total hours spent ride-sharing, and premiums remain the same.

“We haven’t proposed a higher premium at this point because we don’t know what the claims experience will be going forward,” Mr Scofield said.

Customers can select between private, business and ride-sharing categories when buying policies.

Those who already have an Allianz private car policy can contact the insurer to discuss updating to include ride-sharing.