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Allianz names distribution heads

Allianz has made two senior appointments to its new commercial and retail distribution divisions.

CFO David Hosking will become Chief GM Broker & Agency for the commercial division, while GM Financial Institutions and Affinity Michael Winter will be Chief GM Retail Distribution.

The appointments, expected to take effect from August, will follow the retirement of Chief GM Sales & Distribution Jonathan Poole.

“Jonathan’s retirement has provided the opportunity to consider the leadership model best suited to Allianz’s future growth,” Allianz Australia MD Niran Peiris said. “Accordingly, our management structure will revert to having two dedicated distribution divisions.”

Observers had expected the division Mr Poole ran would be split, saying the complexity of the role was testament to his managerial abilities.

Mr Hosking’s division will handle mainly intermediated commercial insurance, while Mr Winter will manage the distribution of direct products, including institutions and motor dealers.

Mark Raumer, a partner at Ernst & Young, will become CFO from October. He has nearly 30 years of experience in the general insurance industry, leading audits of many of the largest insurers and giving advice on accounting, risk and prudential issues.