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Ace marks anniversary with charity

The Ace group of companies observed its 20th anniversary yesterday by running a “global day of service”, with employees in offices around the world taking on local community service projects.

Australian staff joined more than 5000 Ace counterparts in 30 countries in activities ranging from blood donations to chaperoning disadvantaged children, meals on wheels duties and gardening for the frail, elderly and disadvantaged.

More than 5000 employees in 30 countries were involved in 150 projects ranging from helping launch a child safety education program at Seoul National University Children’s Hospital to volunteering time at a homeless shelter in Houston that is assisting victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Ace CEO Australia and NZ Paul Venning told Sunrise Exchange News the insurer is marking its 20th year anniversary by “giving to the community”.

“Instead of the usual corporate celebrations, we felt that it would be of more value for our staff and the community if we spent our energy actively giving to a variety of charities in each of the cities where we have offices.

“The amazing thing about this event is that we have well over 50% active staff participation countrywide in the various community activities organised,” he said. “The staff chose the charities and clearly they are keen to participate personally.”

Ace NZ staff joined forces with United Way, a group that provides funding assistance, volunteer time and skills to help human welfare charities.