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Ace appoints Asia-Pacific Chairman

Ace Group has named Damien Sullivan as its new Asia-Pacific Chairman, to focus on governance, strategic planning and senior customer relationships.

Mr Sullivan joined the company in 2002 and has served as country president for Ace New Zealand and Ace Australia. 

He will return to Australia from Singapore and continue to report to Ace Vice-Chairman and CEO John Keogh.

Juan Luis Ortega will succeed Mr Sullivan as Asia-Pacific Regional President, overseeing the general management and business results of the commercial, personal property and casualty and personal accident operations.

He is currently VP and Head of Accident and Health for the region.

Paul McNamee will move from the US to Singapore as Deputy President Asia-Pacific, to lead the commercial property and casualty business.

He joined Ace Australia in 1995 and has also worked with the company in Singapore and Hong Kong. All appointments are effective from September 1.

The position of Australian chairman remains vacant following the death of Michael Summers earlier this month.