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Zurich loses claims chief

Zurich Australia Executive GM Claims Stephen Brooks resigned from the company today.

CEO Daniel Fogarty says Mr Brooks, who has worked for Zurich for 27 years and has run the company’s claims operations in Australia and New Zealand for the past seven years, “has decided he needs a break”.

It’s understood Mr Brooks has not decided what he will do beyond taking an extended holiday.

Mr Fogarty told that Mr Brooks has managed a large team “through a very difficult period”, including the Queensland floods and the Christchurch earthquake.

“I completely understand why he needs to take a break,” he said. “He has worked through a very difficult period that has dominated his life. Although I’m very disappointed to see him go, he has my full support.”

Mr Brooks is among the best-known claims professionals in Australia. He registered a number of achievements during his period as EGM Claims, including introducing Zurich’s complex Topaz system, which Mr Fogarty describes as “a huge change management effort”.

Head of Customer Care Darren Trott has also resigned from Zurich “to take up another opportunity”. He worked for the company for 18 years.