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Day moves to top as Suncorp reorganises

Suncorp CEO Commercial Insurance Anthony Day has been promoted to a new position overseeing all the group’s insurance operations in Australia.

The appointment is one of a number announced this morning by new Group CEO Michael Cameron under a new operating model.

He says Suncorp will “create engaging and simple propositions by focusing on customer needs and enabling them to manage their financial journey seamlessly across their choice of channels and brands”.

“The new model aligns the business to the delivery of the customer strategy by creating customer-focused functions supported by leaner shared services.”

There will be three operational business units: Banking & Wealth, Insurance Australia and Insurance New Zealand, each responsible for product design and manufacturing, claims management, the delivery of experiences and end-to-end responsibility for the statutory entities.

Senior appointments will take effect from March 1. They are:

  • Mark Reinke will be appointed Chief Customer Experience Officer and will be responsible for developing customer strategy, propositions and marketing strategies.
  • Gary Dransfield will be appointed CEO Customer Platforms and will be responsible for development and operations of the intermediated channels, branches, contact centres and digital platforms.
  • John Nesbitt will be CEO Banking & Wealth.
  • Anthony Day becomes CEO Insurance and will be responsible for product development and pricing, capital and reinsurance, claims management and operational delivery for personal, commercial and life insurance services.
  • Paul Smeaton will be CEO New Zealand, responsible for Suncorp’s Life New Zealand business as well as his current responsibility for Vero New Zealand.
  • Steve Johnston remains Group CFO.

More details in our regular bulletin on Monday.