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All quiet on the flood front … so far

Massive floods in NSW and Queensland over the past week aren’t expected to create the usual claims controversies, according to a spokesman for the Insurance Disaster Response Organisation.

The floods have hit mainly in rural areas that have experienced similar catastrophes in the recent past, and insurers expect people will know what their policies cover them for.

But they’ll also know they are covered for storm and rain damage. The next few days will tell if the media’s inevitable “storm misery” coverage will be followed by a floodtide of “rejected claims” stories.

Where urban areas are affected – and there are many – the controversy over flood insurance may yet rise again. IDRO is prepared with brochures and handy advice for property-owners planning to make a claim.

The floods come hard on the heels of January windstorms in NSW that are likely to see insurance payouts top $70 million. IDRO National Co-ordinator Chris Henri said the Dubbo storm will cost insurers about $40 million, the Sydney storm at least $12 million and the Casino storm about $20 million.